Melatonin secreted by the pineal gland has been shown to have analgesic, anxiolytic, and sedative effects [
1]. Therefore, these beneficial effects have suggested that melatonin can be utilized as a premedicant [
2]. However, the premedication dose of melatonin in clinical trials has varied from 0.05 mg/kg to 0.2 mg/kg, and is relatively higher than 1-5 mg that general populations usually use [
Melatonin has been demonstrated to decrease arterial blood pressure (ABP) in normal and hypertensive rats [
4]. In humans, 1 mg melatonin decreased ABP and plasma norepinephrine concentration after standing [
6], and 3 mg attenuated reflex sympathetic increases that respond to orthostatic stress [
8]. Therefore, relatively higher doses of melatonin may make patients more susceptible to acute hypotension. For anesthesiologists, this information is important because anesthetized patients frequently experience hypotension resulting from a rapid change in posture or hemorrhage before and during general anesthesia. Nevertheless, melatonin premedication has been used clinically without validating this possible occurrence.
In addition to static changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF), CBF also changes rapidly in response to temporary changes in ABP [
9]. Dynamic cerebral autoregulation (dCA) refers to this capability of the cerebral vessels to buffer alterations in CBF induced by "temporary" changes in ABP [
10]. Little is known, however, about the effects of melatonin on dCA in humans [
We have, therefore, evaluated the effects of melatonin premedication on cardiovascular reflex responses and dCA during acute hypotension. To accomplish this, we used the thigh cuff method to induce sudden hypotension with cerebral hypoperfusion. We hypothesized that melatonin premedication would attenuate the sympathetic increase, weakening ABP preservation, and thereby, altering dCA that may cause a further decrease in CBF.
Contrary to our hypothesis, we found that, when transient decrease in ABP was induced by rapid thigh cuff deflation, the reduction in SAP did not differ significantly before and 60 min after melatonin ingestion. In addition, changes in HR, ΔHR/ΔSAP, TPR, SV and the percentage restoration of SAP were unaffected by melatonin, indicating that melatonin premedication does not impair ABP preserving capability in response to sudden ABP perturbation. Additionally, in the cerebral circulation, melatonin did not affect changes in CBFV, CVRi, RoR and percentage restoration of CBFV following a sudden decrease in ABP, which suggeststhat melatonin does not affect rapid vasodilatory and recovery responses of the dCA.
We used a 0.2 mg/kg premedication dose of melatonin, which has been shown to reduce the doses of propofol and thiopental required for loss of responses to verbal commands and eyelash stimulation [
2]. In contrast to previous findings, in which 1 mg of melatonin decreased MAP in men and women [
6], we found that after ingestion of 0.2 mg/kg melatonin, ABP and HR at rest did not change significantly over the subsequent 60 min. In agreement with our findings, however, 3 mg melatonin was shown to have no effect on ABP at rest [
20], suggesting that the effects of exogenous melatonin on ABP in humans may be dose related [
20]. Studies in animals also reported that vascular changes [
21], adrenal nerve activity [
22], and hormonal secretion responses [
23] showed dose response relationship to melatonin concentration.
We observed no significant differences in SAP and HR responses during acute hypotensive stimuli before and 60 min after melatonin ingestion. In particular, changes in TPR during thigh cuff deflation were not affected, suggesting that vasoconstrictive responses were preserved after melatonin ingestion. This finding is consistent with previous results, which showed that, although melatonin attenuated muscle sympathetic nerve activity responses during orthostatic challenge induced by lower body negative pressure (LBNP), ABP, HR and forearm vascular resistance during LBNP were similar in the melatonin and placebo trials [
8]. The lack of a reduction in ABP and increase after thigh cuff release could be the result of the melatonin-induced augmentation of noradrenalin-induced vasoconstriction. Therefore, our findings, along with previous results, suggest that melatonin does not influence ABP preservation during sudden hypotensive stimuli induced by rapid thigh cuff deflation or during persistent hypotensive stimuli evoked by LBNP, although melatonin doses are different.
The thigh cuff technique to study the dynamic behavior of cerebral blood pressure autoregulation was introduced by Aaslid et al. [
10]. When large pneumatic cuffs placed around both thighs are inflated above systolic pressure for ≥ 2 minutes and then suddenly released, a sharp drop in ABP is usually observed, lasting ~10 seconds before returning to its original level. Rapid thigh-cuff deflation after three minutes of suprasystolic inflation is associated with a massive inflow of blood into the low resistance lower limbs, immediately lowering central arterial pressure. This accompanied by pooling of blood in the lower limb venous system reduces the veour return to the heart, further reducing central arterial pressure. Thigh cuff deflation typically reduces central artery blood pressure by 15-20% and restoration of normal pressure is not usually complete for 20 s.
There is now convincing evidence that melatonin acts through two receptors, MT1 and MT2, in the vasculature. Activation of MT1 and MT2 receptors has been shown to elicit vasoconstriction and vasodilation, respectively [
21]. Melatonin has been shown to vasoconstrict the tail and cerebral arteries in rats [
24] and to vasodilate aorta, iliac, and renal arteries [
27]. Similarly, melatonin administration differentially altered vascular blood flow in humans, demonstrating that renal blood flow velocity and conductance were lower during the melatonin than during the placebo trial [
20]. On the contrary, forearm blood flow and conductance were greater with melatonin than with placebo [
20]. These differing vascular effects of melatonin are likely due to the relative distribution of MT1 and MT2 receptors, suggesting that melatonin has complex effects on human vasculature [
In rats, melatonin was shown to reduce regional CBF [
24], and to directly constrict cerebral arteries through alteration of potassium channels [
28]. In humans, however, ingestion of 3 mg melatonin did not result in a change in CBFV, as measured by transcranial Doppler [
20], a finding in accordance with our results. Moreover, intravenous melatonin injection did not alter basilar artery blood flow, as determined by magnetic resonance imaging [
11], providing further evidence that, unlike in rats, melatonin does not alter CBF at rest in humans.
Despite the changes in cerebral perfusion pressure between 60 and 150 mmHg, static cerebral autoregulation maintains CBF at relatively constant levels. However, CBF responds rapidly to temporal alterations in ABP even during normal conditions [
29]. The regulatory capability of these rapid changes in CBF is defined as dCA. The thigh cuff method has typically been utilized to assess how rapidly cerebral vessels dilate and CBFV returns to baseline when ABP remains reduced during a short period of time. The RoR, measured by the normalized change in CVR per second during the 2.5 s period instantly after a transient reduction in ABP, describes the rapid vasodilatory response of cerebral vasculature and the early part (1 to 3.5 seconds) of restoration in CBFV, i.e., prior to the possibility of an arterial baroreflex-mediated restoration of ABP [
10]. We found that melatonin did not significantly alter RoR, suggesting that the early portion of the vasodilatory response in dCA had been preserved.
The later portion of restoration of CBF velocity was evaluated as the percentage restoration of CBFV. Our assumption, that restoration of CBFV ought to be nearly complete within 6-10 seconds following thigh cuff deflation, was based on the findings showing that CBFV was almost restored within this time during normal autoregulation [
16]. We observed no significant difference in this index before and after melatonin ingestion, which indicates that melatonin does not compromise the restoration of CBF in response to rapid ABP perturbation.
This study had several limitations. First, although transcranial Doppler is widely used to detect changes in CBF, it measures CBFV of the cerebral artery rather than CBF. Blood velocity reflects blood flow only when the diameter of the blood vessel remains constant. In this regard, the diameter of the middle cerebral artery has been reported to show little change in response to acute hemodynamic perturbations [
30], such as those elicited during the thigh cuff deflation protocol [
10]. Second, we did not measure plasma melatonin concentrations, although ingestion of 3 mg melatonin was shown to result in plasma melatonin concentrations more than 100-fold higher than endogenous daytime plasma melatonin concentrations [
8]. Third, we did not measure muscle sympathetic nerve activity as a direct estimate of sympathetic response during hypotensive stimuli. Rather, continuous change in TPR, using the Modelflow method, was used as an index of vasoconstrictive response.
In conclusion, we have evaluated the effects of melatonin on dynamic cardiovascular and cerebral autoregulation assessed by the thigh cuff method. Our results suggest that melatonin does not impair ABP preserving capability and dCA in response to sudden hypotensive stimuli. These findings indicate that melatonin premedication may be safe under clinical conditions, such as postural changes, hemorrhage, and other operative stimuli, in which arterial pressure decreases temporally.