The Breakage of Epidural Catheter during Continuous Epidural Analgesia for Cancer Pain: A case report. |
Jong Ik Kim, Deok Kyu Kim, Jeong Woo Lee, Ji Seon Son |
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Chonbuk National University Medical School, Jeonju, Korea. |
Abstract |
During pain control by continuous epidural analgesia, the breakage of epidural catheter is a very rare complication.
We experienced breakage of epidural catheter in patient of cancer pain during continuous epidural analgesia. We performed epidural catheterization between T12 and L1 level for pain control. After 6 weeks of epidural catheterization, abruptly patient complained severe pain. When we applied negative pressure to catheter by syringe before epidural injection of bolus dose, a few airs were aspirated. We strongly suspected breakage of catheter, and the breakage in 1617 cm from epidural catheter tip was confirmed by normal saline administration via epidural catheter. After new epidural catheter inserted again, patient's pain was controlled by VAS 24 and another complications were not appeared. We must carefully manage the catheter because of complications of epidural catheter. |
Key Words:
breakage; continuous epidural analgesia; epidural catheter |