Comparison between the Flexiblade Laryngoscope and the Macintosh Blade Laryngoscope in Endotracheal Intubation. |
Sun Young Jang, Sang Kyi Lee, Jun Rae Lee |
Department of Anesthesiology, Chonbuk National University Medical School, Jeonju, Korea. |
Abstract |
BACKGROUND The Flexiblade laryngoscope has a unique structure that is composed of a blade and a handle with a trigger. When the trigger of the Flexiblade laryngoscope is squeezed, the hyoepiglottic ligament is depressed, the epiglottis is moved anteriorly, and then the laryngoscopic grade is improved. This study was designed to compare the Flexiblade laryngoscope with the conventional Macintosh blade laryngoscope in the laryngoscopic view in endotracheal intubation. METHODS Following induction of general anesthesia, the laryngoscopic grades of 110 patients were evaluated while five different blade positions of the Flexiblade laryngoscope and a laryngoscopy with the Macintosh blade were performed. The laryngoscopic grades which were described by Cormack and Lehane were classified from 1 to 4. RESULTS With the Macintosh blade laryngoscope, 98.2% of the patients were grade one and two, and 98.2% of the patients was laryngoscopic grade one and two with partial depression of the trigger of the Flexiblade laryngoscope. The laryngoscopic grade of maximal depression of the Flexiblade trigger had similar results to partial depression of the trigger. However, the partial depression of the Flexiblade laryngoscope showed better laryngoscopic views than the maximal depression of the Flexiblade laryngoscope or the Macintosh blade laryngoscope, respectively. In the overall success rate of endotracheal intubation and using the adjusting maneuvers, the Flexiblade laryngoscope was superior to the Macintosh blade laryngoscope. CONCLUSIONS The Flexiblade laryngoscope is comparable to the Macintosh blade laryngoscope for endotracheal intubation, therefore, the Flexiblade laryngoscope can be recommended as the first choice for endotracheal intubation. |
Key Words:
laryngoscopes; Flexiblade; Macintosh |