Epidural Anesthesia for Cesarean Section in a Parturient with Eisenmenger's Syndrome. |
Byeong Moon Hwang, Ji Yeon Sim, Sung Kang Cho, Dong Myeong Lee |
Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Ulsan of University, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
Eisenmenger's syndrome is defined as pulmonary hypertension with right-to-left or bidirectional shunting of blood through an intracardiac or aorto-pulmonary commumication.
It can occur with complex congenital cardiac malformations, such as septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus.
Parturients with Eisenmenger's syndrome are at high risk for peripartum morbidity and mortality. We experienced a case of parturient for cesarean section with Eisenmenger's syndrome and performed epidural anesthesia with fractionated doses of 2% lidocaine and fentanyl. The sensory block reached to T10 level and blood pressure was maintained with intravenous phenylephrine. After baby out, sudden hypotension with severe bradycardia developed and arterial oxygen saturation dropped. Immediate intubation and resuscitation was done, but cardiac rhythm disturbance, hypoxemia, and acidosis did not corrected. Cardiac standstill developed and stopped resuscitation. The neonate's Apgar score was 7 and he was transferred to pediatric ICU. |