The Relationship between Periadmission Blood Pressure and Periinduction Blood Pressure. |
Byung Kook Chae, Ji Yeon Kim, Byung Ho Lee, Seong Ho Chang |
Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
BACKGROUND There has been a study reporting those cases with elevated blood pressure (BP) above 140/90 mmHg on admission and normotension on ward showed more increase in mean arterial pressure(MAP) and pressure-pulse product than the normotensive or hypertensive patients in both situations. But the mean ages of the groups were different each other. This study was done to see if the same results would come without age differences. METHODS One hundred and sixty-two patients between the age of 45 and 64 were divided into three groups. The patients with BP below 140/90 mmHg on admission and on ward were included in group 1(N=66) and those with BP above 140/90 mmHg on admission and below 140/90 mmHg on ward, in group 2(N=42) and those with BP above 140/90 mmHg in both situations were included in group 3(N=54). Preiinduction BP, PR, the changes of BP, PR during operation, incidence of hypertension at post-anesthesia room(PAR), and the number of cases who needed the use of inotropics or antihypertensives perioperatively were checked. RESULTS As for the increase of BP just before induction the group 2 showed the greatest, group 1 was the next, and group 3 showed the least compared to ward value. Just after induction group 1 showed the greatest, group 2 the next, and group 3 the least amount increase. As for the increase of preinduction pressure-pulse product(PPP) group 2 showed the greatest, group 3 the next, and group 1 the least compared to ward value. Just after induction group 1 showed the greatest, group 2 the next,and group 3 the least amount increase. CONCLUSIONS Intensive anesthetic care is needed also at periinduction period for the patients who showed hypertensive BP on admission and normotension on ward thereafter. |
Key Words:
Blood Pressure hypertension; Heart pulse rate; Anesthesia postoperative evaluation; preoperative evaluation |