Control of Intraoeular Pressure by Intravenous Lidocaine Pretreatment . |
Sang Bum Chung, Soon Ae Suh, Jae Kyu Jeon |
Department of Anesthesiology, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Taegu, Korea. |
Abstract |
It is a known fact that the increase of intraocular pressure results from the action of succinylcholine, endotracheal stimulation to carina, bucking and coughing etc during the induction arid recovery periods. Efforts have been made by several inveatigators to prevent intraocular hypertension by giving trimetaphan, inderal or curare. However, their effects were not remarkable. In this study, lidocaine Img/tg was administered intravenously to selectee patients 2-3 minutes hefore induction ; followed by regular induction with pentothal, succinylcholine and incubation. Intraocular pressures were measured at the pre-induction and post-intutation time, and every 30 minutes until the early recovery period, thereafter. The result of this study showed that the post-intubational increase of intraocular pressure was prevented in 86.7% of the lidocaine pretreated cases.
The increase of post-extuba-tional intraocular pressure was also reduced significantly in the lidocaine pretreated group-as well. We came to the conclusion that lidocaine pretreatment technic can be used effectively to prevent intraocular hyperteilsion caused by induction and extubation in clinical practice. |