Effects of Fentanyl or Clonidine on Postoperative Analgesia and Urinary Retention after Caudal Anesthesia.
Tae Hwan Kim, Dong Hoon Choo, Woung Kim, Seoung Weon Ahn, Mi Woon Kim, Hung Tae Kim
Korean J Anesthesiol. 2001;40(5):625-630.     DOI: https://doi.org/10.4097/kjae.2001.40.5.625
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Systematic review of interventions for the prevention and treatment of postoperative urinary retention
J. Jackson, P. Davies, N. Leggett, M. D. Nugawela, L. J. Scott, V. Leach, A. Richards, A. Blacker, P. Abrams, J. Sharma, J. Donovan, P. Whiting
BJS Open.2019; 3(1): 11.     CrossRef