The Effets of Independent Lung Ventilation with Unilateral HFJV and CPAP.
Ryoung Choi, Whun Kon Park, Hyun Kyo Lim, Chan Kim, Dae Ja Um
Korean J Anesthesiol. 1990;23(3):381-387.     DOI:
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Effects of Nondependent Lung Ventilation With Continuous Positive-Pressure Ventilation and High-Frequency Positive-Pressure Ventilation on Right-Ventricular Function During 1-Lung Ventilation
Mohamed R. El Tahan, Yasser El Ghoneimy, Mohamed Regal, Afrah Deria, Mona Al Ahmadey, Hatem El Emam
Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia.2010; 14(4): 291.     CrossRef